What is Regenerative Farming Anyway?

Regenerative farming is starting to get more attention as people begin to look for ways to fix many of the problems we are having in modern agrarian society. Regenerative farming is simply, a system of farming that builds the surrounding environment and soil. There are many ways this is done. Conversely, many conventional farming techniques deplete the soil and environment of nutrients and biodiversity. This introduces a few problems: It promotes blights and diseases, it requires techniques like crop rotation and more destructively pesticide treatment to be sustainable long term, and lastly it ignores the natural symbiosis that most plants live in when they are grown near one another in specific ways. In my opinion, not only is this Monoculture-way of farming destructive to nature and the health of humans it is also fundamentally inefficient. This is pretty ironic considering that the whole reason why we started using this method of farming is due to its efficiency. I believe that monoculture will likely be practiced for quite a while, but I founded Avgoron Technologies to support people who use regenerative farming techniques and make a dent in the problem that is monoculture.

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